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What Does Workspace Wellness Mean?

Written by Creatif | 11 Jul 2019

What does workspace wellness mean?

That's a tricky question to answer as everybody has different approaches and priorities. And that's not to mention that your prerogative might contrast that of a colleague or client. 

During Clerkenwell Design Week, Creatif sat down with industry professionals to get to the very heart of the question "what does workspace wellness mean." 

We put specialists in biophilia, office design and the media on the spot and asked them their thoughts and opinions on the subject.

The responses - and variety of them - was fascinating, and they further reinforced the idea that everybody has their own idea about what's important when it comes to wellness.

It could, for example, be related to acoustics, plants, access to amenities or, simply, good company.

What is clear is that any solution, or remedy, to wellness in the workspace needs to be multifunctional - it cannot be approached with a one-size fits all attitude. 

Of course, that won't be news to many of us. But it's a nice reminder that to tackle and eventually solve the Rubix Cube of wellness and wellbeing there has to be a holistic approach (and an office pet will certainly help!)

Anyway, over to you.

How do you define wellness at work? And what does it mean to you?